Paul Wash is a Canadian self-taught photographer and has been making images since 1983. Over the last couple of decades, I have continually taken photography courses and attended seminars in a effort to hone my photography skills.
Photography for me is a passion.
I don't get caught up in awards and recognition, but I am proud that a lot of my images have been published and used to promote the City of Kingston and Fort Henry.
Since retiring, I work at construction progression photography, but still take time to make images for me.
I look for views that might produce a good image, and then mentally put together what would be required to tweak it.
This would include waiting out the proper weather, time of day / night, and lighting.
Sometimes this requires access to rooftops, flights or restricted areas of view not available to the general public.
Since the start of my venture into photography, I have always included automobiles, motorcycles and trucks in my list of images to capture.
Almost all of my working career, I have been involved in the automotive industry in some fashion. Photographing these subjects became second nature.
Other areas of photographic interest include:
Local historic scenery
Night photography
High elevation and aerial photography
Mechanical and industrial photography
Construction progression photography
Model photography
Assignment photography
If you are looking to have quality images of your restored vehicle, custom car, hot rod, motorcycle, truck or car show, please view the photographs on this site and contact me to arrange a photoshoot.
Thank you
paulwash777@gmail.com 613-532-3838 cellular